Bell Configurator

Bell Configurator

Service allows you to configure the appearance and functionality of the widget bell. This widget allows subscribers to view previously received, unread push campaigns. Also the bell allows subscribers to personalize the preferences of content and get only interesting information, increasing loyalty to the site.

For the beginning of widget settings you should open the Prompt & Bell item in the side menu of the site, and go to the Bell tab.



As long as the bell functions are not activated, it remains inactive and is not displayed to subscribers.

To begin with, you need to determine how this widget will look like for subscribers. To do this, you need to set the following parameters:

  1. Main color - If you know exactly the code of the desired color, you can specify it in the text field. Clicking on a color opens a palette, where you can choose the color yourself.


(info)The selected color is immediately displayed in the preview block.

(warning)Branding of the service will be displayed for Free tariff owners.

(warning)If unblock bell functionality was activated earlier, please note that these are different widgets and their colors may be different.

2. The position of the bell - a drop-down list. The bell can be placed in the left or right bottom corner.

Bell Functions

  1. Push inbox

This feature allows you to increase the number of crossings, as subscribers can open previously unread notifications. When you activate the function in the Preview on your website block, a widget is displayed, considering the settings of color and position..

The history of push notifications opens when you click on a bell and has the following appearance and elements:


You can close the history by clicking on the corresponding X button.

2. Notification configurator 

Allows subscribers to receive notifications that meet their interests. For configuration you need to:

-Activate the Notification configurator function;

-Fill in the Title field. In the field you can specify that you can select interests;

-Fill in the Text field. You can specify additional information in this field;

-Default interest. Category of content to be received by subscribers who have not specified interests.

-Tag. Allows you to bind a tag to a certain interest;

-New item. Adds a new value to the list of interests;

-Navigation buttons. Allows you to arrange interests in the necessary order;

-Remove button.


(info)Entered values are available in the preview.

(info)If several bell functions are activated, they are displayed as separate tabs.


After making changes, you can save or undo them.

(warning)If there is some unsaved data when switching to another tab of subscription settings and widgets, confirm-popup will be displayed. The user will have an opportunity to apply or reset the corrections made.
