Extended API for custom permission prompt call

New API for registerUserForPush

Opt-in (pre-subscription window) is configured in our service by the following parameters. 

There are three of them at the top level:

brandingEnabled(does not change)

Within each, there are settings for positioning, color, opt-in type, and text. 
It is possible to set the following types of opt-in:

  • BELL

The New API allows you to select a single item, or several and override them.


     { mobileProps: { type: "MODAL" }, desktopProps: { type: "MODAL" } }

// The code will set the opt-in type to desktop and mobile in MODAL

       desktopProps: {
         subscTexts: [
           { lang: "default", value: "Overrided text for subscription prompt" }

// The code will set the main text to the desktop opt-in.

If you need to overwrite several languages, you need to pass the whole new array. 

       desktopProps: {
         subscTexts: [
             lang: "default",
             value: "Overrided text for subscription prompt"
           { lang: "en", value: "Special text for english version" },
           { lang: "ru", value: "Текст на русском" },
           { lang: "ua", value: "Текст для української версії" }
       desktopProps: {
         subscTexts: [
           { lang: "en", value: "Overrided text for subscription prompt" }
         allowTexts: [{ lang: "en", value: "Over allow" }],
         blockTexts: [{ lang: "en", value: "Over block" }]

// The code will set all texts for the desktop opt-in

To control opt-in call after blocking, there is a special parameter ignoreBlockedCookie, which is true by default for the registerUserForPush manual call. It ignores the cookie variable that is set after the visitor blocks on the opt-in. This variable and does not allow the subscription to be shown in the browser session. 

Calling registerUserForPush manually will, by default, always show the opt-in. The cookie variable will be deleted.

The ignoreBlockedCookie parameter can be overwritten:

       ignoreBlockedCookie: false,
       desktopProps: {
         subscTexts: [
           { lang: "default", value: "Overrided text for subscription prompt" }