RSS to Push service allows you to send RSS feeds. When new content is added to the site, push campaigns are sent to subscribers.

To start setting up automated campaigns from RSS it is needed:

  1. Choose Automations in the side menu of the site;
  2. Click the Congifure button in the RSS to Push block.



The RSS feeds list is displayed on the RSS feed settings page. To add a new entry, click the Add new RSS feed button.



After you click on the button, a pop-up window will open. You should fill in the following fields:


  1. Name - text field;
  2. RSS URL - a text field, the input accepts links to the rss feed.;
  3. Search order for push campaign data - using the navigation buttons you can change the priority of content sources.
  4. When you click on the help button you can see examples of custom meta push tags.


5. Save - if you click the button, all changes are saved;

6. Cancel - the pop-up window of the notification content settings is closed, no data is saved.

After saving a new RSS feed, the pop-up window closes and the entries are added to the list in the status New.



Next, you need to configure the sending parameters. Clicking the RSS feed you are interested in or the Edit button opens the settings page. For each RSS-channel you can specify the type of Breaking news or Top news.

Setting up Breaking news

The list of breaking news is taken from your RSS feed, and as soon as there is new content corresponding to the settings of the specified categories, a push-campaing is sent (according to the set schedule and limits). To set up, you need to fill in the following fields:



  1. Breaking news - default settings tab;
  2. Selected period - slider with the ability to set the time period in which the sending push campaigns will take place;
  3. The limit of campaigns, per day - a slider that allows you to set a limit on the number of campaigns;

(warning)For Free tariff it is available to send no more than 5 campaigns per day..


Campaigns that have not recovered through exceeding the limit are highlighted in red and have the appropriate status in the Campaing History.


4. Select a time zone for sending campaigns - a dropdown list with a search option;

5. UTM - a switch that activates a specialized parameter in the URL used by marketers to track resources from which traffic is transferred;

(info)When the switch is activated, an additional optional UTM Campaign Name field is displayed.utm.jpg

6. Information on how to automatically send campaigns based on RSS feeds and a link to the service's blog;

7. Default icon upload block for automatic campaigns;

8. Send to - campaign sending parameters for certain subscribers. Sending campaigns to:

-All - all subscribers of the current website.;

-Categories - only the specified categories of publications in rss feed are sent;


-Segments - sending is performed only for the specified segments of subscribers. There is an option to specify additional restrictions by categories and number of campaigns.


9. Search order for push campaign data - using the navigation buttons you can change the priority of content sources.

10. Add Buttons - additional settings, which allow you to set up buttons displaying in the push that a subscriber receives. Clicking the buttons will take you to the specified link.


11. Save - when the button is pressed, all changes are saved;

12. Save and activate - when the button is pressed, all changes are saved, RSS feed status becomes Active;

13. Cancel - the settings pop-up window is closed, data are not saved.

TOP News Setting

Sending Top news is based on published articles in rss feed. The service defines those publications that have the largest number of views in the specified period of time. From these publications and will be formed sending of top news. (Subscribers receive a push campaign which contains the most popular news item for a calculated interval.)

To configure the settings, go to the Top News tab. The list of settings is the same as for Breaking News, except for the option Send to. (info)

Top news are sent to the entire database of subscribers. (info)


After the sending options are set up, there is an option:

-Pause/Activate automated campaigns;

-Edit settings.


After the settings and activation of sending, you can see the summary information about them. When you click on the History button, you will be redirected to the Campaign History.


Also, the time when the top news campaigns will be sent during the day displays in the Campaign History when toolbar 1 switched. 
