Tweet to Push

The Gravitec service allows you to automatically send push notifcation from Twitter feeds. To add a Twitter account, you need to:

  • Select Automations in the side menu of the site;
  • In the Tweet to Push block click the Configure button;


  • Enter account name;


(warning)Your account must have at least one publication

  • Click the Add Twitter account button.

(warning)It is possible to add several accounts.

Added account is displayed in the list.


The table of account lists has the following fields:

Title - twitter account name;

Campaigns limit - a set limit on messages per day;

URL - full link to twitter account;

Campaigns - sent notification quantity;

Sent - number of subscribers to whom the notifications were sent;

Clicked - number of notification openings;

Actions - with added Twitter account you can perform the following actions:

  1. Edit - Clicking the Edit button of the interested account will open additional fields. You can specify hashtags to which campaigns will be sent, set Campaigns Limit per day and upload a new icon by default (in case it is impossible to pull an image out of publication).


2. Delete - delete added Twitter account;

3. Deactivation - a switcher that activates/deactivates the account. If the account is deactivated, it will not be used for sending push notification.

Once you have added Twitter accounts to form campagins lists, you can Manage them. The block also contains information about campaigns in the aggregate state. For more detailed information, go to History.
